In House or Out House... Pros and Cons and Poor Choices of Words.

I'm no Mike Deluca, but I used to be obsessed with his "On the Slate"article like rants and ramblings filled with his highly opinionated views of what he spends most of his waking hours on. So, now that I have discovered Linkedin again, I think I may have an audience that will love or hate me, so time to start pounding out the vernacular ramblings of an (almost) old man yelling at the clouds. This week it's about advertising production, next week could be about frame rates or "all the K's"... who knows what article or happy hour conversation will get me going.

Are You Watching Enough Bad TV & FILMS?

My initial goal was to hopefully stumble on that amazing film that falls through the cracks and had the unfortunate tragedy of only getting one copy of it staring out alone on the shelves of the rental store. The more and more junk I was watching I noticed something. I was quickly able to distinguish flaws in the craft and technique.